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In 2021, customers continue to prioritize safe and convenient shopping. Businesses can accommodate their needs with payment technology that reduces the need for in-person interaction at point of sale. Contactless, omnichannel and unattended payment solutions provide pandemic-friendly contact-free options and e-commerce support. Although these modern payment methods have grown increasingly popular, the pandemic offers a […]

Brick-and-mortar businesses across America are reopening their doors. However, many are a little anxious about how much their new operating costs will eat into their profits. Safety First The most important factor, of course, is maintaining safety guidelines set by the CDC local governing bodies. Besides preventing the spread of infection, it gives consumers the […]

Retail Trend #1: Social Commerce This year’s surge in online shopping is here to stay, especially given the hurdles presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of brick-and-mortar stores. According to a recent study, in 2020, nearly 41% of customers said they were currently shopping online for things they would normally buy in-store. Social commerce — […]

We often think of a company brand as just the name and logo. But while these externally facing elements are crucial for things like brand recognition and loyalty, they only scratch the surface of what branding really is.  Brand strategies run deep. In order to have a brand that stands the test of time and […]

So, you have excess inventory after the holidays. You are not alone. This is a common scenario faced by all retailers, as they spend months preparing for the holiday season, only to be left with the back of the store full of post-holiday inventory. This isn’t good for many reasons. Many products have infinite life […]

Due to the pandemic, all businesses recently had to adapt to a new way of life. Businesses more than ever are in need of a platform that allows them to accept multiple payment types and offers solutions to help them continue to run their business. Betterpay is proud to provide a solution that keeps American […]

This holiday season is unlike any other. So how should small businesses update their marketing and sales strategies? From content marketing to SEO, these tips from members of the online small business community can help. Get More from the Content You’ve Already Written During the holiday season, you may not have a ton of time […]

A new survey predicts shoppers will visit fewer stores than ever this holiday season, ratcheting up the pressure on retailers to capture customers. Consumers are planning to visit just 5.2 retail stores on average, consulting firm Deloitte found in its annual holiday survey. That’s down from seven last year, 6.9 in 2018 and 5.7 in […]

Holiday season 2020 has been irrevocably altered by the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic downturn that’s followed in its wake; this confluence of events continues to shape and change the ways we live, work, play, and shop. Families and friends may not be able to gather as they have in years past. Small businesses have been hurt by business […]

Here are five tips to ensure a safe, socially distanced and successful holiday shopping season in Covid time. The pandemic and its economic fallout are going to make it exceedingly difficult for retailers to have a merry Christmas. The industry is expected to see an uptick in seasonal sales of a measly 1% to 1.5%, […]

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